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Here it is: the 2014 Summer Tour for THE BOOK OF LIFE.

A few things before we begin…

Unfortunately,  I can’t possibly go everywhere, no matter how much I would like to meet you all. At present I am making more than 25 appearances in 29 days in the US alone. Then I’m headed to Europe. I know some of you will be disappointed that I am not coming to your town (or at least a town near you), but I will tour again when the paperback for The Book of Life releases.

Don’t be surprised if you call bookstores or venues, only to receive blank responses and “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” So if you call a bookstore or venue and they can’t help you reserve a ticket or a book just make a note in your calendar and call back in a few weeks!

In the fullness of time, all of the independent bookstores listed will be able to take orders for a signed copy of THE BOOK OF LIFE, as will PAGES (the bookstore that handles signed copies of my books on a regular basis–see my website for more details). If none of these stops is near you, and you want a signed book, you can get one by calling one of the bookstores listed below and placing an order. I’ll personalize it while I’m there, and the bookstore will send it on the way. If you’re interested in this possibility wait a few weeks, and then get in touch with one of the retailers.

Finally: most of the events will require people to buy a book at the event to get in the signing line. Some will require tickets or wristbands. In most cases, you can come and listen to me provided there is room, without buying a book. While this is not always true, it is often true. Again, please do not get mad at the bookstore. They have to close the store to regular customers, hire extra help, and sometimes hire a venue to accommodate all of you. They have to make a living, too. Imagine how aggravating it would be to own a bookstore and have people coming in with books from a discount box store. Often, bookstores will allow you to buy the book, pick it up, read it, and return with it (and the receipt) on the day of the event (if, for example, the event is in August and you can’t wait that long to read it). When in doubt, call the bookstore and ask for their signing policy.

Here, without further ado, are the tour details.


Phew. That’s a lot of air miles!

If events get added in these cities (I can’t imagine cities will get added, but additional events might be in various locations) I will let you know.

I hope to see many of you this summer on the road!
