Deborah Harkness
History professor who tumbled down the rabbit hole and wrote the international best-selling books of the All Souls series THE CHARACTERSNEW MERCHNEW
The Black Bird Oracle
“The Black Bird Oracle ushers in a thrilling new era for Diana, an Oxford scholar and powerful witch, as she navigates marriage to the vampire Matthew and motherhood, while reckoning with dark secrets from her family’s storied past. There’s no better time to get swept up in the romance, adventure, and magic of the All Souls world, beginning with A Discovery of Witches.”
Buy the Book
In BOOK FIVE of the All Souls Series, Diana and Matthew receive a formal demand from the Congregation: They must test the magic of their seven-year-old twins, Pip and Rebecca. Concerned with their safety and desperate to avoid the same fate that led her parents to spellbind her, Diana decides to forge a different path for her family’s future and answers a message from a great-aunt she never knew existed, Gwyneth Proctor, whose invitation simply reads: It’s time you came home, Diana


I am so pleased to announce the title of the sixth book in the All Souls Series: THE FALCON AND THE ROSE. (#TFATR) More news soon on publication date, pre-orders, cover, foreign translations, audiobook, and all the rest. #AllSoulsSeries #AllSoulsSeriesBook6...

It’s a Thirsty Goat kind of day
My wearable, totable, and quaffable "Easter eggs" are available on my Bonfire store, here.
2025 is going to be a big year for the World of All Souls
& for me as a historian and professional "color outside the lines" person. Cannot wait to share everything that's cooking on my giant AGA (IYKYK) as my pots boil over, get combined, and are seasoned to whet your appetites!


2024 in review
..through highlights of my #gratitude posts. Via my monthly newsletter or click this link to see it online (and subscribe!).

My Villain Era playlist
LISTEN here A playlist for grownups who might need something without jingle bells on planes, trains, and automobiles this holiday season.
Today’s gratitude is for the free and independent press
Necessary for democracy: the AP the NewsHour on PBS the Guardian, now on @bluesky. These are my reliable sources of news, without fear- and rage-baiting or a desire to fill the 24-hour news cycle.