A Discovery of Witches TV
News on the television adaptation of the All Souls Trilogy
A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES TV Season 3 broadcast updates
Coming to the UK & Ireland on 7 January, 2022, that is!
We will continue to update broadcast information as it becomes available, so please see broadcast dates & regions below.
If we don’t have dates or broadcast details for your region, that’s because we have not yet been able to confirm them. Still have questions? If so, we advise you to reach out directly to the broadcasters who carried Seasons 1 & 2 in your region.
UK & IRELAND: 7 January 2022 in the UK on Sky TV and NOW TV. Entire S3 will drop in full on SKY Box Sets & NOW TV. SKY will also air weekly on Fridays.
ITALY: 7 January 2022 on Sky Italia & TVIT
CZECH REPUBLIC, HUNGARY, POLAND, ROMANIA, SERBIA & SLOVAKIA: 7 January 2022 on HBO GO. (Entire Season 3 will drop in full).
GREECE: 8 January on Cosmote tv (Entire Season 3 will drop in full, 6 pm).
PORTUGAL: 8 January on HBO Portugal
US & CANADA: 8 January 2022 in the US on AMC+, Shudder, and SundanceNOW
AUSTRALIA: 9 January 2022 on Foxtel and BINGE. (On BINGE, entire Season 3 will drop in full on January 8 at 5 pm).
NEW ZEALAND: 9 January 2022 on NEON
SPAIN: 14 January 2022 on Moviestar Plus
AUSTRIA & GERMANY: 1 February 2022 on Sky Deutschland, 2 episodes weekly
FRANCE: 15 February 2022 on SYFYFR, episodes weekly
As we hear from other broadcasters in the countries listed above, and from broadcasters in other countries, we will update our list!
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ADOW S1 #BehindTheScenes
Remembering this day in August 2017 when @jamesnorthdesign2 and his team shared their @adiscoveryofwitchestv work with me. #magic #ADOWS1 #adow #allsoulsseries #behindthescenes
One of my favorite #behindthescenes pictures. @aiysha_hart in a quiet moment between takes while filming @adiscoveryofwitchestv series 1.
Welcome Peter McDonald
Final Season 3 announcement. Please welcome @pdlmcd to the All Souls family!
From A Discovery of Witches tv: Due to scheduling conflicts arising from COVID-19, the wonderful Trystan Gravelle was unable to continue as Baldwin Montclair for season 3. However, he has handed the baton to the fantastic Peter McDonald (@pdlmcd) who we know you’ll love as Baldwin Montclair.
Welcome Genesis Lynea to the All Souls family
She will be breathing life into Marcus’s vampire daughter Geraldine, who came to New Orleans with a traveling circus and was famous for her acrobatic skill and ability to swing from trapezes (and balconies on Bourbon Street). For those of you who think she is a new character, think again. Geraldine is mentioned in the books and Genesis brilliantly captures her courage and resilience. ♥️
Welcome to the All Souls family Ivanno Jeremiah
Welcome to the All Souls family, Parker Sawyers
It’s the NOLA vampires’ turn today. Meet Marcus’s son and Domino Club boss Ransome! You are in for a treat with @parkersawyers‘ performance in series 3 of A Discovery of Witches TV! ♥️
Here’s Jack! Welcome, Toby Regbo
Played by the talented @tobyregbo who not only can act–he can draw, too. Follow him to see his work and welcome him to the All Souls family!! ♥️
Coming to your screens in A Discovery of Witches TV series 3.
Olivier Huband is our Fernando
Please welcome @olivierhuband to the All Souls family. He will be your beloved Fernando in series 3 of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES tv.
PS. He speaks Portuguese. For real. ♥️
Cast and Production Gallery
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Sometimes our Supporting Artists are given characters straight out of the pages of history, like this one. He is representing Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud, the Moroccan ambassador to Elizabeth I. We cheated a bit—the ambassador arrived in 1600 and his portrait was painted to commemorate the event. But Elizabethan England was a culturally diverse place, and London and the court had many foreign residents. We couldn’t resist changing history a little bit! #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
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Another shot of some of our fantastic Supporting Artists. #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
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Louisa de Clermont—and her great clothes! #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2 *water bottle was removed before any film was shot.
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Supporting artists make up the backbone of any production. Here are some of ours from Elizabethan England. #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
Welcome to Elizabethan London… Here is your first look at Teresa Palmer and Matthew Goode in season 2 of A Discovery of Witches TV. Isn’t it STUNNING??
We are so excited to share that James Purefoy will be playing Philippe de Clermont. #WeAreAllSouls #TeamPhilippe
We warmly welcome Steven Cree to the cast as your Gallowglass. #WeAreAllSouls
Our casting news continues with @MichaelLindall as the marvelous Sir Walter Raleigh. #WeAreAllSouls
But what about Pierre? Where would Matthew Be without Pierre? No, don’t answer that! 🤣 He is being played by Milo Twomey in A Discovery Of Witches TV. #WeAreAllSouls
You just can’t have the School of Night without Henry Percy. Welcome Adam Sklar to the cast of A Discovery Of Witches TV. He is my dream for this role! #WeAreAllSouls
Welcome Elaine Cassidy as your nothing but trouble Louisa de Clermont. You all just WAIT to see her in action. #WeAreAllSouls
I know there is a HUGE #TeamFrancoise out there, especially after TIMES CONVERT. Here she is. And she is amazing in the role. Welcome Holly Aird to A Discovery of Witches TV. #WeAreAllSouls
Who will take on Benjamin Fuchs? Well, this guy. Welcome Jacob Ifan!
Legendary actress Sheila Hancock will be your Goody Alsop. #WeAreAllSouls
The role of Catherine Streeter, 🔥 witch extraordinaire, goes to Lois Chimimba. #WeAreAllSouls
Victoria Yeates from Call The Midwife joins our cast as Elizabeth Jackson! #WeAreAllSouls
Want to know another witchy secret? Amy McAllister joins the cast as earth witch Marjorie Cooper.
You wanted an amazing Father Hubbard and you got him in the super-talented Paul Rhys #WeAreAllSouls
When Barbara Marten is going to be your 👑 you know it’s going to be good! Welcome to the cast of A Discovery Of Witches TVin the role of Queen Elizabeth I. #WeAreAllSouls
The canniest man alive, Willliam Cecil, will be played by Adrian Rawlins. #WeAreAllSouls
Please warmly welcome the young actor who is going to steal your heart as Jack Blackfriars in A Discovery Of Witches TV, Joshua Pickering. #WeAreAllSouls
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A sign of things to come… #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
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Kit Marlowe is in the house! Welcome to the All Souls family, Tom Hughes.
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Oh. Yes. #TeamLouisa #ItalianDrawers #ShoeGoalz #behindthescenes @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
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Mood. #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2 #adiscoveryofwitches
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At the risk of breaking the internet, let’s play a game. Guess who? Hint: he’s baaaaaacccckk. #TeamMatthew @adiscoveryofwitchestv #behindthescenes #ADOWS2
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Just leaving this here. @teresapalmer is in the house. #behindthescenes @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
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Meanwhile in the Wardrobe Department for @adiscoveryofwitchestv … #BagOBumrolls #ADOWS2 #behindthescenes
official photo from the A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES TV series
Another photo from the A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES TV series
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A box of broadsides. #BehindtheScenes with @ADiscoveryOfWTV #ADOWS2 #ADiscoveryOfWitches
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Timewalker alert. #behindthescenes #ADiscoveryofWitchesS2 @adiscoveryofwitchestv Camp mug with bee from @flyingbearfarm
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Timewalker alert. #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv. #ADOWS2 #adiscoveryofwitches
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Last night on location for @adiscoveryofwitchestv. #midsummer #greatwelshsummer #junehat #notascot
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“As a character, and as a witch, Diana is complex and conflicted, intelligent and powerful. She is the witch we need in 2018. It’s no surprise that women are drawn to her, and revel in the idea of harnessing their own ‘super’ powers to achieve their true potential.” Huge props to @teresapalmer for bringing Diana to life in all her complexity! ♥️
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oday for #witchgiving we present TABITHA. We can’t have @adiscoveryofwitchestv without the Bishop cat. Here she is in all her glory, and yes–we remembered the cat carrier so she can go with Sarah and Em on their travels.
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Love is love is love. It comes in all sizes, shapes, and colors. #WeAreAllSouls #pride ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Meet director Alice Troughton, our director for the second block of shooting, i.e. episodes 3, 4, and 5.
Director Juan Carlos Medina (far left), and DP Suzie Lavelle (center) at work in Venice. Photo from @adiscoveryofwitchestv on Instagram.
Venice’s colors are like nowhere else on earth. Photo by @adiscoveryofwitchestv on Instagram.
Juan Carlos Medina, Helen Ostler, and Suzie Lavelle–high powered production meeting in progress!! photo from @adiscoveryofwitchestv on Instagram
Still of Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel), on the set of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES at Wolf Studios in Wales.
Photo of the Radcliffe Camera captured by a member of our fabulous crew, Jake Pope. (jakep5552 on Instagram). Only a professional could have captured this glorious shot!
A still from the television production of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES from Bad Wolf, coming in 2018.
Alex Kingston Tanya Moodie Valarie Pettiford Lindsay Duncan
Alex Kingston (ER, Dr. Who): Sarah Bishop Valarie Pettiford (The Blacklist, Fosse): Emily Mather Tanya Moodie (Sherlock): Agatha Wilson AND Lindsay Duncan (Sherlock, Dr. Who, Gifted): Ysabeau de Clermont
Daniel Ezra
The extraordinary Daniel Ezra is playing the role of Nathaniel Wilson, one of our daemons and member of the Conventicle. He is half of our pair of revolutionaries along with Edward Bluemel (Marcus).
Freddie Thorpe
The television adaptation of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES has a few new characters. One of them is Matthieu Beny, played by British actor Freddie Thorpe
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Hands up if you want to be Ysabeau de Clermont when you grow up? #behindthescenes #ADOWS2 #ADiscoveryofWitches @adiscoveryofwitchestv
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The magic hour. #adiscoveryofwitches #ADOWS2 #behindthescenes #setlife🎬
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Ooh la la. #Repost @syfyfr with @get_repost ・・・ Diana est enfin parvenue à libérer sa magie ! 🧙🏻♀️✨ Nous espérons que vous étiez bien attentifs mardi pendant #ADiscoveryOfWitches, prouvez-le nous en répondant à la question. Et foncez sur l’espace à la demande de SFR pour dévorer l’intégralité de la série sans plus attendre ! #ScienceFiction #SYFY #TVShow #Witches #Vampires #Daemons #MatthewGoode #TeresaPalmer #OwenTeale #AlexKingston #DeborahHarkness #AllSouls #ADOW #Binge
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24 minutes until @adiscoveryofwitchestv is on @amc_tv and @bbcamerica. I’m ready for my #witcheswatchparty. Sending love to all my ADOW peeps and a huge thank you to the US fans who have been with us every step of the way! ♥️
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🤣♥️👏 #BehindtheScenes @ADiscoveryOfWTV #ADiscoveryofWitches #ADOWS2
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Today for #witchgiving: #behindthescenes at the Bishop House. I wanted to share some@shots of the Bishop House during construction and fully dressed and ready to go. This is the still room, Sarah’s lair, and @valariepettiford and @alexkingstonofficial put in plenty of personal touches to make the space their own and especially witchy.
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I’m sharing a #behindthescenes snap I took of one of the beautiful horses we worked with to make the show. They will be galloping by very soon. Are you ready??
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Today’s #witchgiving gives props to the props!! We had an amazing art department, with geniuses in scene design, set dressing, and making props that were perfect down to the last detail.
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Verified Today’s #witchgiving #behindthescenes shot is one I took when we were filming at the Bishop House set. It captures one of our actors, @danielezra who plays Nathaniel Wilson, in a moment of quiet repose. Sets are busy places and amidst the hustle and bustle quiet places are hard to find. Somehow, the actors manage to carve places out for reflection and thinking, al of which helps to create the space they need to deliver a tremendous performance
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Wishing the happiest of birthdays (2/26) to @teresapalmer, beautiful inside and out. ♥️
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These. Are. Everything. Thank you @amc_tv for the game boards. You can download and print them to have on hand for your #witcheswatchparty on Sunday! Link in my bio. and check out @amc_tv’s Instagram stories for downloadable phone wallpapers. We’ve got you covered. ONE MORE WAKEUP until @adiscoveryofwitchestv comes to @amc_tv and @bbcamerica #eatstoast
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Sometimes our Supporting Artists are given characters straight out of the pages of history, like this one. He is representing Abd el-Ouahed ben Messaoud, the Moroccan ambassador to Elizabeth I. We cheated a bit—the ambassador arrived in 1600 and his portrait was painted to commemorate the event. But Elizabethan England was a culturally diverse place, and London and the court had many foreign residents. We couldn’t resist changing history a little bit! #behindthescenes with @adiscoveryofwitchestv #ADOWS2
Learn More About the TV Series
Jane and Bad Wolf represent my dream team for bringing the trilogy to life. Every conversation we have had about the books shows how thoroughly they understand the All Souls World and how deeply they’re committed to creating something very special with this series.A glance at the projects they’ve been involved with—including the reboot of Dr. Who, Life on Mars, Waking the Dead, MI5/Spooks, Torchwood, David Copperfield, Silent Witness, Ashes to Ashes, The Way We Live Now, and Rome—makes it clear that they are drawn to compelling characters and storylines with twists that keep viewers tuning in for each new episode.