Friday Update: Behind the Scenes with THE BOOK OF LIFE.
We’re just about four months away from the release–only seven more of these updates to go!
I finished up with the copyedits, and sent them back to my editor and copyeditor so they can go over them. Next stop: I proofread the pages, trying to catch as many mistakes as I can before the books are printed, bound, boxed, warehoused, and ready to ship to bookstores in July.
Headline sent me the UK/Republic of Ireland/NZ/Australia/South Africa cover proofs. (pictured above) NOTE: THIS IS THE BRITISH COVER. THE US COVER IS BLACK AND GREEN AND YOU CAN SEE IT HERE. (sorry for the caps, but a lot of US readers are leaving comments on Facebook complaining this doesn’t look like the other book covers. yes it does. in the UK!) This makes me feel like the book is so much closer, as it looks exactly like the book jacket, complete with the lovely blurbs on the back, my photo and bio, and the synopsis for the book. It’s just beautiful (and my lighting makes it look a bit pink, but it’s not–it’s a beautiful white). They also sent some bookmarks, which you might see here and there as we get closer to release time when the publisher does promotions.
I’m in conversation with Penguin Canada about visiting up north in late August and perhaps again further along in the autumn. I’m also in conversation with publishers throughout Europe (the UK, the Netherlands, central Europe, etc.) about visits this autumn. It looks as though I’ll be in the UK in September, but we haven’t set dates as yet. I’m hoping to have some firm dates for these appearances.
I will be at the LA Times Festival of Books on Sunday, April 13. Full details about the panel and tickets will be available on Monday and I’ll post them here on my Calendar. We’re waiting to hear about other convention and conference appearances in May, June, and July and will update the information on my Calendar when we know more.
So that’s all from here for the moment. I’ll be back in two weeks with another update. Have a good weekend!