I’ll be at the LA Times Festival of Books held at USC on Sunday, April 13 at 12:30 pm.
Here are the details:
12:30 p.m.
Historical Fiction: Stories from the Past
(Conversation 2082)
Jon Boorstin
Deborah Harkness
Maria Hummel
April Smith
Moderator: Melissa Chadburn
A Q&A will follow the panel conversation, and then a book signing in the signing area.
PLEASE NOTE: this event is free and open to the public BUT it is ticketed. Tickets will be available on April 6, and there is a $1 service charge per ticket. A limited number of tickets will be available on site on the day. If you buy a pass to the event for $35, you get tickets for 8 “conversations” before they are made available to the general public. Ticket information: http://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/fob-info/
There will be a signing immediately following the panel in the signing area. You don’t need a ticket for that (or at least you haven’t in the past), so turf out your old copies of books and bring ’em along!
See more at: http://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/fob-schedule/#sthash.MmHUCJLJ.dpuf