I don’t know where May went. Did anybody find her? If so, can you tell her to come on back?
I have some news–though none of it is what you all want, that is the title and release date of book #2, and whether there will be a movie!
However, I do have the US paperback release date: 27 December 2011. You can even pre-order the book already, and it’s listed on Amazon.com. And they will be sending me out to meet some of you in January, though I’m not sure exactly where, so stay tuned for further details.
A Discovery of Witches continues to stretch its wings in foreign countries. The book was warmly received in France, which was especially touching given Matthew’s origins. My favorite question I was asked in France was this: why did Matthew have to be French? I have given many interviews and met with many readers but none have asked me this before! The rest of us just assume that an ancient, gorgeous, worldly, sophisticated, and intelligent vampire MUST be French. The picture accompanying this post is me, signing books after a talk at the Sorbonne sponsored by my French publisher, Orbit/Calmann-Levy. You can watch videos of the event here. Two videos have been posted, and a third is on the way. For those of you who don’t speak French, all my responses are in English, so you will be able to understand the conversation.
And I have two new foreign sales to report. A Discovery of Witches will be available in both Bosnia (through Buybook Publishers) and Indonesia (through Mizan Publishing). This brings the total number of foreign editions up to a staggering 35.
I’m about to head out for a summer writing retreat in Northern California. This provides me with an opportunity to make two brief appearances to read from A Discovery of Witches and sign some books. The first will be at The Four-Eyed Frog in Gualala (pronounce: Wa-la-la), on the beautiful Mendocino coast. I’ll be there on 9 July 2011 at 4 pm (’cause that’s how we roll up there). For more details see here. The second will be at Book Passage in Corte Madera (just outside San Francisco) on 27 July 2011 at 7 pm (you can order a signed/personalized copy of the book here if you wish, by clicking here).
If you aren’t able to join me in Gualala or Corte Madera, please know that I’m spending all the rest of my time with Diana and Matthew, writing. I appreciate your good wishes–and your patience!–while I give the story the time it needs.
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