Hedgebrook cottage

It’s been two weeks since my last update, so it’s time to bring you up to speed on what’s happening with the book.

THE BOOK OF LIFE is in the hands of my copy editor Maureen, who is hard at work on the 700+ page typescript. It should arrive back on my desk next month. I’ve taken two weeks off from THE BOOK OF LIFE while I launched my spring semester class, and will read it next week so that I’m ready to tackle the copy edits whenever they arrive.

Speaking of my desk, over the past two weeks I actually rediscovered its surface. For six long months it was buried in notes, images, books, and manuscript.

The publicity and marketing teams in the US and the UK are reading the unedited manuscript and continuing to develop plans for this summer’s tours and events–which in all likelihood will continue into the fall. As soon as they’ve come up with a schedule, I’ll let you know.

My other publishers are beginning to lay their plans, too, requesting input on covers, possible titles, and visits abroad. And the first news with respect to foreign translations is that Germany will publish THE BOOK OF LIFE under the title BIS ANS ENDE DER NACHT in February 2015. No cover or exact date yet–and remember, they can’t even begin to translate the book until I’m finished with the editing. They’re not trying to prolong your agony. They’re trying to produce the best book they can!

Some of you have asked about why the books have different covers and titles in some countries. Every publisher has the right to market the book–which includes cover and title–in the way they think is best for their specific readers. Some titles don’t translate well, and some covers don’t speak to other audiences.

Though the book is in the hands of others at the moment, my assistant Jill and I are working with Adrian the website designer to update the website for THE BOOK OF LIFE. They’ve been going page by page correcting information, adding to it, and adding new features like a browsable calendar that tells you where I am and what I’m doing–be it teaching, visiting you out on the road, or giving a master class on writing at Hedgebrook, the retreat for women writers on Whidbey Island in Washington–which I will be doing in early March. The image accompanying this post is one of Hedgebrook’s magical cottages. If you are looking for more information on the master class retreat, click here to find a link to their website. The priority deadline for applications is February 3.

That’s all the news from me. I’ll be back in a few weeks with another update.