As many of you already know, Deborah’s book tour is keeping her on the road for the next couple of weeks. It’s difficult for her to update the blog on this website while she’s traveling, so if you are looking for recent updates or blog posts, the best place to catch them is on her Deborah Harkness page on Facebook. In fact, she just posted a new note there (go to “Deborah Harkness” on Facebook, then scroll down the list under her photo, “Wall,” “Info,” “Events,” etc. until you come to “Notes.” Click on that for her most recent note as well as past notes).
It’s a public page, so you don’t need to belong to Facebook to view it–anybody can see it. However, you do need to be a Facebook user to leave comments there. But if you aren’t a Facebook user and would like to comment on her note anyhow, just leave your comments here!
–Jill, Deborah’s assistant